Welcome to the COMET Annual Meeting 2023!
Monday 26th June 2023, 12.00 – Wednesday 28th June 13.00
Please register for each day of the meeting separately. You will find webinar links for each day below, which will be active during science talk sessions and keynote speaker presentations. We will monitor questions asked via the chat function during presentations. We will also provide links to recordings of these sessions after the meeting.
We have also provided links to posters that will be presented at the meeting – these pages currently display a holding image (a COMET webinar advert) but will be updated with the correct posters by the meeting start time. Please email poster presenters directly to ask them questions about their work.
Oral Presentations
Join the meeting remotely:
Registration link: https://universityofleeds.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FhcJEzi4QJWmQbc73JfIMA
13.15 – 14:15 Science Talks 1 (Chair: Professor Tim Wright)
14.45 – 15.15 Keynote Speaker: Dr Philippa Mason (Imperial)
15:15 – 16:30 Science Talks 2 (Chair: Professor Juliet Biggs)
Day 2 – Tuesday 27th June 2023
Registration link: https://universityofleeds.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Di4Z98qJT8G-XYQz5SEGLA
09.00 – 09.30 Keynote Speaker: Dr Danny Hilman Natawidjaja (BRIN Indonesia)
09.30 – 10.30 Science Talks 3 (Chair: Professor Don Grainger)
13:05 – 14:30 Science Talks 4 (Chair: Dr Sue Loughlin)
14.30 – 15.00 Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Eleonora Rivalta (GFZ, Potsdam)
Day 3 – Wednesday 28th June 2023
Registration link: https://universityofleeds.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cSoB5GniSC2lWhVnGsxheg
09.00 – 10.00 Science Talks 5 (Chair: Luke Bateson)
10.00 – 10.30 Event Response and Preparedness
Poster Session 1 – Tuesday 27th June 15.00 – 15.45
1.1 Daniel Sefton (University of Leeds)
The spatio-temporal distribution of shallow interseismic fault creep in the Alpine-Himalayan Belt from an InSAR phase-gradient based time-series approach.
1.2 Brendan Mcormick Kilbride (University of Manchester)
Temporal Variability in Gas Emissions at Bagana Volcano Revealed by Aerial, Ground, and Satellite Observations
1.3 Rebecca Colquhoun (University of Oxford)
What influences the early parameters of seismograms and are they useful in understanding earthquake determinism?
1.4 Pedro Alejandro Espin (University of Leeds)
Ecuador velocity field using Sentinel-1 InSAR time series
1.5 Natalie Forrest (University of Leeds)
Thirty years of postseismic deformation characterised with multi-satellite InSAR time-series
1.6 Simon Orrego Astudillo (University of Bristol)
Detecting Moderate-Magnitude Earthquakes Within The South American Plate From InSAR Observations
1.7 Jess Payne (University of Leeds)
Characterising Iran’s rapidly subsiding regions using Earth Observation data
1.8 Tianyuan Zhu (University of Bristol)
Long-term volcanic deformation of caldera systems.
1.9 Eilish O’Grady (University of Leeds)
Deep learning for Improved Phase Unwrapping of InSAR
1.10 Ben Esse (University of Manchester)
Global Daily Volcanic SO2 emissions
1.11 Yuan Gao (University of Leeds)
The overlap between co- and post-seismic slip of the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo earthquake, eastern Tibet illuminated by InSAR
1.12 Mark Bemelmans (University of Bristol)
Using InSAR and Pixel Offset Tracking to monitor flank motion at volcanoes
Poster Session 2 – Tuesday 27th June 17.15 – 18.15
2.1 Laura Gregory (University of Leeds)
Quantifying Holocene fault slip rates in SW Turkey: results from cosmogenic nuclide analyses on bedrock fault scarps
2.2 Chia-Hsin (Wendy) Tsai (University of Oxford)
Updated earthquake scaling for the intra-continental faults
2.3 Reza Bordbari (University of Leeds)
Measuring Ice-loss Associated Uplift in Antarctica using InSAR
2.4 Cindy Lim Shin Yee (University of Bristol)
Deep learning to detect induced seismicity
2.5 Robert Gabriel Popescu (University of Bristol)
Anomaly detection for the identification of volcanic unrest in satellite imagery
2.6 Muhammet Nergizci (University of Leeds)
Three Dimensional Displacement from Burst Overlap Method
2.7 Manon Carpenter (University of Leeds)
Exploring strain localisation in mid crust crustal shear zones: signatures and consequences for the earthquake cycle
2.8 Dan Gittins (University of Oxford)
Estimating the rupture depth and location of shallow creep events along the San Andreas Fault
2.9 Russell Azad Khan (University of Bristol)
Regional variation in foreshock rates
2.10 Ben Ireland (University of Bristol)
Systematic extraction of volcano deformation source parameters from Sentinel-1 InSAR data
2.11 Dehua Wang (University of Leeds) – Withdrawn
Large-scale crustal deformation and strain rate distribution along the central-eastern Altyn Tagh fault (NW Tibet) from Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS data
2.12 Luke Wedmore (University of Bristol)
Rapid transition from amagmatic to magmatic rifting in the Edward-George Rift, Uganda
2.13 Josefa Sepulveda (University of Leeds)
Surface deformation at Askja Caldera as a response to the interaction of its magmatic system and the tectonic environment during the period of 2020 to 2022
2.14 José A. Bayona (University of Bristol)
A Decade of Prospective Evaluations of One-Day Seismicity Forecasts for California: First Results
2.15 Megan Udy (University of Leeds)
SatSchool Outreach Project