
Observations of Deformation

Volcano number:211050
Geodetic measurements?Yes
Deformation observation?Yes
Measurement method(s):InSAR, Levelling, EDM, trilateration
Duration of observation:1978 to 1998, 2008 to 2013 (present)
Inferred cause(s) of deformation:Surface deposits, Faulting/tectonics
Characteristics of deformation:

Continuous GPS monitoring of Lipari and Vulcano islands started in April 1995, when a four-site permanent GPS network (VVLC, VCSP, LOSV and VGPL) was installed by the International Institute of Volcanology, now Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV-CT; Mattia et al., 2008).
The tectonic deformation of the Lipari–Vulcano complex is presented in Mattia et al. (2008), with the analysis of 10 years (1996–2006) of GPS data from both three permanent and 13 non-permanent stations.
The authors present a kinematic deformation model on the basis of the geodetically estimated velocities of the Lipari–Vulcano complex. They show that the observed deformation pattern can be described by a combination of (1) the main N–S regional compression and (2) a NNE–SSW compression with a small right-lateral strike slip component acting along a tectonic structure trending N°40W between the two islands (Mattia et al., 2008).
Monitoring of the horizontal component of the ground deformation is measured using trilateration geodetic techniques, electro-optical distance measurements (EDM), in a network between the islands of Lipari and Vulcano (“LipVul” network) roughly measured annually since 1975 (Bonaccorso, 2002). 
Solaro et al. (2014) present preliminary InSAR results on deformation field on Lipari, Vulcano and Stromboli islands using COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) data both from ascending and descending orbits, generating time series extending from 2008 to 2013. They show subsidence of La Fossa at about 4-5 cm/yr due to gravitational instability phenomena (Solaro et al., 2014). 
Bonaccorso (2002) use trilateration geodetic network between the islands of Vulcano and Lipari to show that between 1978 and 1998 deformation in this regions is due to E–W trending extension and a N–S contraction at a regional scale.
The Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) monitors active volcanoes in Italy via multiparametric systems. In particular, the INGV Observatories Vesuviano and Etneo are responsible for the surveillance of the Campi Flegrei, Vesuvius, Ischia, Etna, Stromboli, Panarea, Lipari, Vulcano and Pantelleria volcanoes (Brown et al., 2008).

Reference(s):Solaro, G., Castaldo, R., Casu, F., De Luca, C., Marsella, M., Pepe, A., ... & Zeni, G. (2014, May). Insights Into The Dynamics Of Aeolian Volcanic Islands From DInSAR COSMO-SkyMed Observations. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 16, p. 6689).
Bonaccorso, A. (2002). Ground deformation of the southern sector of the Aeolian islands volcanic arc from geodetic data. Tectonophysics, 351(3), 181-192.
Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program
Regional and country profiles of volcanic hazard and risk. Report IV of the GVM/IAVCEI contribution to the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015
S.K. Brown, R.S.J. Sparks, K. Mee, C. Vye-Brown, E. Ilyinskaya, S. Jenkins, S.C. Loughlin
Mattia, M., Palano, M., Bruno, V., Cannavò, F., Bonaccorso, A., & Gresta, S. (2008). Tectonic features of the Lipari–Vulcano complex (Aeolian archipelago, Italy) from 10 years (1996–2006) of GPS data. Terra Nova, 20(5), 370-377.
Location:38.404, 14.962
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