The Global Waveform Catalogue (gWFM) v1.2 is a database of point-source fault-plane solutions and focal depths for moderate-magnitude earthquakes that have been modelled by an analyst using synthetic seismograms.

Note: focal mechanism icons may not display on MacBook screens. Please try an external monitor if possible.
Attribution: Wimpenny (2020) gWFM Catalogue: v.1.2. Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET). Global active faults data: (Richard Styron. (2019, August 23). GEMScienceTools/gem-global-active-faults: First release of 2019 (Version 2019.0). Zenodo. Modification: lines are simplified. Web application designed by C. Scott Watson


Wimpenny, S., and Watson, C. S.: gWFM: A Global Catalog of Moderate‐Magnitude Earthquakes Studied Using Teleseismic Body Waves, Seismological Society of America, 92, 212-226, 2021.


gWFM GitHub