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Worldwide Database of Volcanic Ground Deformation


Volcano number: 353010
Region: South America
Country: Ecuador
Geodetic measurements? Yes
Deformation observation? Yes
Measurement method(s): InSAR
Duration of observation: January 2003 to September 2010, 1992- 1999 (ref2)
Inferred cause of deformation: Magmatic
Characteristics of deformation:

At least two sources are considered to represent permanent zones of magma storage given their persistent or recurrent activity. Elastic deformation models indicate the presence of a flat-topped magma reservoir at ∼1.1 km below sea level and an oblate-spheroid cavity at ∼4.9 km b.s.l. The two reservoirs are hydraulically connected. Ref 1.
Fernandina exhibits a semi-circular fringe pattern on its southwest flank (Fig. 1), which has been modelled with a dipping, radial dyke coincident with the 1995 eruption6. Uplift of 0.1 m from September 1998 to March 1999 suggests refilling of a shallow magma chamber. Ref 2

References: 'Bagnardi, M., & Amelung, F. (2012). Space‐geodetic evidence for multiple magma reservoirs and subvolcanic lateral intrusions at Fernandina Volcano, Galápagos Islands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B10).', 'Amelung, F., S. Jónsson, H. Zebker, and P. Segall (2000), Widespread uplift and “trapdoor” faulting on Galápagos volcanoes observed with radar interferometry, Nature, 407, 993–996, doi:10.1038/35039604.'
Location: -91.55, -0.37