Observations of Deformation
Volcano number: | 232070 |
Region: | Middle East and Indian Ocean |
Country: | Afghanistan |
Geodetic measurements? | No |
Measurement method(s): | No measurements |
Characteristics of deformation: | No volcanoes in Afghanistan have recorded historical eruptions and no information is available atĀ the time of the writing of this report to indicate that regular ground-based monitoring is undertakenĀ at any Holocene volcanoes in Afghanistan. |
Reference(s): | Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program http://www.volcano.si.edu/volcano.cfm?vn=232070 |
Location: | 34.25, 67.97 |
REST API endpoint (JSON): | https://comet.nerc.ac.uk/wp-json/volcanodb/v1/volcano/1892 |