COMET PhD Opportunities

University of Manchester

Degassing volcano next to text with PhD opportunity details
PhD opportunity university of Manchester – degassing volcanoes

Title: Joint analysis of volcanic degassing and deformation time series to understand transitions in unrest

Institution: University of Manchester
Supervisors: Dr B McCormick Kilbride, Dr S Ebmeier, Dr Benjamin Esse, Prof. M Burton
Funder: Jointly funded by the Centre for Observation and Modelling of Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tectonics (COMET) and the University of Manchester’s School of Natural Sciences.
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link:  Joint analysis of volcanic degassing and deformation time series to understand transitions in unrest at The University of Manchester on

Title: The origin and evolution of halogens at Mt Etna volcano, Sicily

Institution: University of Manchester
Supervisors: Dr B Mccormick Kilbride, Dr M Hartley, Prof R Burgess, Dr Michael Broadley, Dr Rosanna Corsaro
Funder: Competition funded
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link: 

University of Leeds

Title: Imaging 3-D deformation from space, for volcanoes and earthquake-prone regions

Institution: University of Leeds
Supervisors: Andy Hooper, John Elliott
Funder: YES Doctoral Training Network
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link: formation from space, for volcanoes and earthquake-prone regions – Yorkshire Environmental Sciences • Doctoral Training Network

Title: Seismic investigation of the Earth’s mantle with fibre optic sensing

Institution: University of Leeds
Supervisors: Andy Nowacki, Sebastian Rost, Sjoerd de Ridder
Funder: YES Doctoral Training Network
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link:

Title: Exploring the segmented structure of igneous sheet intrusions and mineral veins

Institution: University of Leeds
Supervisors: Craig Magee, David Healy, Sandra Piazolo
Funder: YES Doctoral Training Network
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link:

Title: Strain Localisation in Continental Crust: Insights from Exhumed Lower-Crustal Rocks and Modern Geodetic Data

Institution: University of Leeds
Supervisors: Tim Wright, Sandra Piazolo, Tim Craig
Funder: YES Doctoral Training Network
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link: Strain Localisation in Continental Crust: Insights from Exhumed Lower-Crustal Rocks and Modern Geodetic Data – Yorkshire Environmental Sciences • Doctoral Training Network

Title: Unrest, Eruption and Volcanic impacts in Vanuatu from constellation satellite measurements

Institution: University of Leeds
Supervisors: Susanna Ebmeier, David Ferguson, Geoff Kilgour, Ian Hamling
Funder: YES Doctoral Training Network
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link: Unrest, Eruption and Volcanic impacts in Vanuatu from constellation satellite measurements – Yorkshire Environmental Sciences • Doctoral Training Network

Title: Probing Crustal Deformation and Active Tectonics of the Continents from Satellite Observations

Institution: University of Leeds
Supervisors: Tim Wright
Funder: Competition Funded
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link: Probing Crustal Deformation and Active Tectonics of the Continents from Satellite Observations – Yorkshire Environmental Sciences • Doctoral Training Network

Title: Seismic Alarm Bells? – The seismicity of active geophysical systems in response to non-tectonic loading

Institution: University of Leeds
Supervisors: Tim Craig, Susanna Ebmeier
Funder: YES Doctoral Training Network
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link: Seismic Alarm Bells? – The seismicity of active geophysical systems in response to non-tectonic loading – Yorkshire Environmental Sciences • Doctoral Training Network

University of OxfordTitle: Using earthquakes to constrain stress in the Earth

Institution: University of Oxford
Supervisors: Jessica Hawthorne, Tony Watts
Funder: Competition Funded
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link:

Title: Earthquake and related hazards of the South Caucasus

Institution: University of Oxford
Supervisors: Richard Walker, Robert Hilton, Neill Marshall
Funder: Competition Funded
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link: 

Title: High-precision seismology to understand slow earthquakes

Institution: University of Oxford
Supervisors: Jessica Hawthorne, J M Kendall
Funder: Competition Funded
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link: High-precision seismology to understand slow earthquakes at University of Oxford on

University of Exeter

Title: Understanding volcanic unrest at Italian volcanoes with multi-disciplinary data, machine-learning, and numerical models

Institution: University of Exeter
Supervisors: James Hickey, Elisa Trasatti, Sophie Butcher
Funder: Competition Funded
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link:

Title: Tracking Plate Coupling and Strain Accumulation along the Sunda and Java Trenches using Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS Data

Institution: University of Exeter
Supervisors: Yasser Maghsoudi Mehrani, Ekbal Hussain, Tim Wright
Funder: Competition Funded
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link:

University of Edinburgh

Title: Cryospheric and hydrological responses to a warming High Mountain Asia

Institution: University of Edinburgh
Supervisors: Qi Ou
Funder: E5 DTP
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link: Project | E4 DTP

Title: Forecasting Catastrophic Failure in Mining

Institution: University of Edinburgh
Supervisors: Stuart King
Funder: E5 DTP
Proposed start date: October 2025
Application link:  Project | E4 DTP

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