
All COMET members are listed below:

COMET Directorate

Juliet Biggs (Bristol) – COMET Co-Director (Research Community, Communications, and Impact)

Tim Wright (Leeds) – COMET Co-Director (Operations)

Alex Copley (Cambridge) – Deputy Director (Earthquakes and Tectonics)

Susanna Ebmeier (Leeds) – Deputy Director (Volcanoes)

Don Grainger (Oxford) – Deputy Director (Earth Observation)

Luke Bateson (BGS)

Sue Loughlin (BGS)

Charlotte Royle (Leeds) – COMET Manager

Lucy Sharpson (Leeds) – COMET Research and Events Officer

Rhys Charles (Bristol) – COMET Senior Engagement and Impact Officer

COMET Scientists

As well as contributing to our objectives and partnerships through co-funded projects, COMET scientists play a key role in internal review and forward planning for the COMET science programme.

Pui Anantrasirichai (Bristol)

Brian Baptie (BGS)

Mike Burton (Manchester)

Timothy Craig (Leeds)

Melanie Duncan (BGS)

Marie Edmonds (Cambridge)

John Elliott (Leeds)

Samantha Engwell (BGS)

Laura Gregory (Leeds)

Jess Hawthorne (Oxford)

Andy Hooper (Leeds)

Ekbal Hussain (BGS)

Tamsin Mather (Oxford)

Brendan McCormick Kilbride (Manchester)

Ilaria Mosca (BGS)

Jurgen (Locko) Neuberg (Leeds)

Alessandro Novellino (BGS)

Qi Ou (Edinburgh)

David Pyle (Oxford)

Ed Rhodes (Sheffield)

Margarita Segou (BGS)

Richard Walker (Oxford)

Matthew Watson (Bristol)

Max Werner (Bristol)

Sam Wimpenny (Bristol)

Annie Winson (BGS)

COMET Research Staff

COMET Research Staff are partially-funded by COMET to work on the COMET National Capability science programme.

Edna Dualeh (Bristol)

Ben Esse (Manchester)

Matthew Gaddes (Leeds)

Milan Lazecky (Leeds)

Neill Marshall (Oxford)

Yasser Maghsoudi Mehrani (Leeds)

Isabelle Taylor (Oxford)

Scott Watson (Leeds)

COMET Postdoctoral Researchers

COMET Postdoctoral Researchers usually work closely with or are supervised by COMET members.

Rami Alshembari (Exeter)

Jose Bayona (Bristol)

Timothy Davis (Oxford)

Sacha Lapins (Bristol)

Lorenzo Mantiloni (Exeter)

Alexandra Morand (Bristol)

Camila Novoa Lizama (Leeds)

Gopal Phartiyal (Leeds)

Shailza Sharma (Leeds)

Stanley Yip (Leeds)

Gregor Weber (Bristol)

COMET Emeritus

Philip England (Oxford)

Greg Houseman (Leeds)

James Jackson (Cambridge)

David Kerridge (BGS)

Barry Parsons (Oxford)

Geoff Wadge (Reading)

COMET Associates

COMET Associate Scientists are collaborators who are engaged with our science programme; this includes postdoctoral researchers with independent research fellowships who are based in COMET research teams. Associates are not funded by COMET, but are invited to annual science meetings (and other meetings as appropriate), included in internal communications, and encouraged to collaborate and engage with other COMET members for mutual benefit.

Philip Benson (UCL)

Lidong Bie (East Anglia)

Sarah Boulton (Plymouth)

Sophie Butcher (BGS)

Peter Clarke (Newcastle)

James Dalziel (WTW Research Network)

Amy Donavan (Cambridge)

Ake Fagereng (Cardiff)

David Ferguson (Leeds)

Matt Fox (UCL)

James Hickey (Exeter)

Anna Hicks (BGS)

Adriano Gualandi (Cambridge)

Holly Hourston (BGS)

Evgenia Ilyinskaya (Leeds)

Mike Kendall (Oxford)

Craig Magee (Leeds)

Emma McAllister (BGS)

Erin Mills (BGS)

Zhenhong Li (Newcastle)

Zoe Mildon (Plymouth)

Andy Nowacki (Leeds)

Tom Pering (Sheffield)

Margherita Polacci (Manchester)

Chris Rollins (Leeds)

Dylan Rood (Imperial)

Peter Rowley (Bristol)

Susanne Sargeant (BGS)

Anja Schmidt (Cambridge)

Victoria Smith (BGS)

Maximillian Van Wyk de Vries (Cambridge)

Charlotte Vye-Brown (BGS)

Tom Wilkes (Sheffield)

Gang Zheng (Leeds)

COMET Research Students

All COMET students receive supervision from COMET members. While a few studentships are funded directly by COMET, most of the students within the COMET community are externally funded.

You can find a list of current COMET research students here.