
Observations of Deformation

Volcano number:341060
Geodetic measurements?Yes
Deformation observation?Yes
Measurement method(s):InSAR
Duration of observation:2007-2010
Inferred cause(s) of deformation:Surface deposits
Characteristics of deformation:

The Michoacán-Guanajuato volcanic field contains over 1400 vents, the most recently active of which was Parícutin, which grew from a farmer’s field from 1943-1952. Two separate ALOS surveys of Mexican volcanoes observed continued subsidence of lava flows at the base of Parícutin (Fournier et al., 2010 and Chaussard et al., 2013).
Both studies observe a maximum subsidence rate of 4-4.5 cm/year on lava flows with an average thickness of 70 m. The subsidence is believed to be due to thermal contraction and compaction of lava flow deposits from the 1943-1952 eruption, and the maximum subsidence is thought to occur where the deposit thickness is greatest (Fournier et al., 2010).

Reference(s):Fournier, T. J., M. E. Pritchard, and S. N. Riddick (2010), Duration, magnitude, and frequency of subaerial volcano deformation events: New results from Latin America using InSAR and a global synthesis, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11, Q01003, doi:10.1029/2009GC002558.
Chaussard, E., F. Amelung, and Y. Aoki (2013), Characterization of open and closed volcanic systems in Indonesia and Mexico using InSAR time series, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 118, 3957–3969, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50288.
Location:19.85, -101.75
REST API endpoint (JSON):https://comet.nerc.ac.uk/wp-json/volcanodb/v1/volcano/529