
Observations of Deformation

Volcano number:321030
Country:United States
Geodetic measurements?Yes
Deformation observation?No
Measurement method(s):GPS - continuous, GPS - campaign, Tiltmeter, EDM
Duration of observation:1980 - 1984, 2006 - present
Characteristics of deformation:

In 1980-1984 the U.S Geological Survey established and remeasured a trilateration network of 7 stations at Rainier, using EDM and dry tilt (Dzurisin et al. 1983). No observations of deformation were made (Chadwick et al. 1985).
In 2006 – 2008, 5 continuous GPS receivers were installed of which 5 are still operational (CVO website) (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/gps/Pacific_Northwest/). Measurements of a 12 station campaign GPS network were also made in 2008 (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/gps/Rainier/) and a tiltmeter is located on the north west flank of the volcano.

Reference(s):Dzurisin, D., Johnson, D. J. & Symonds, R. B. (1983) Dry Tilt Network at Mount Rainier, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 83-277, 18 p. http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/ofr83277
Chadwick, W. W., Iwatsubo, E. Y., Swanson, D. A., and Ewert, J. W. (1985) Measurements of Slope Distances and Vertical Angles at Mount Baker and Mount Rainier, Washington, Mount Hood and Crater Lake, Oregon, and Mount Shasta and Lassen Peak, California, 1980-1984, US Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Open File Report 85-205.
U.S. Geological Survey Cascade Volcano Observatory (CVO) http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/volcanoes/mount_rainier/monitoring_summary.html
Location:46.853, -121.76
REST API endpoint (JSON):https://comet.nerc.ac.uk/wp-json/volcanodb/v1/volcano/469

Latest Sentinel-1 Data

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