Category Archives: COMET news

COMET Director receives Rosentiel Award

COMET Director Tim Wright has been selected as the 2015 Rosentiel Award Recipient by the University of Miami (UM) in recognition of his research into deformation of the Earth’s crust in response to tectonic forces.

The Rosenstiel Award honours scientists who, in the past decade, have made significant and growing impacts in their field.  Tim’s major achievements include the discovery of a continental rifting event in Ethiopia’s Afar region, one of the few places on Earth where a mid-ocean ridge comes ashore.

He was also one of the first scientists to measure how plate boundary zones deform, solely relying on satellite observations using a technique called satellite radar interferometry.

Tim presented the 2015 Rosenstiel Award Lecture, “Witnessing the Birth of Africa’s New Ocean” at the UM Rosenstiel School auditorium on Friday 3 April.

You can read more here.

COMET wins Geol Soc 2015 awards

Two COMET scientists are to receive prestigious awards from the Geological Society of London.

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The Society, which has been recognising significant achievements in the Earth sciences since 1831, will be presenting its Wollaston Medal (its highest award, for impacts on pure or applied geology) to COMET’s James Jackson, Professor of Active Tectonics at the University of Cambridge.

Professor Jackson’s work includes research into active tectonics in New Zealand, Iran, Turkey, Greece and Tibet, where he has made vital contributions to understanding the evolution and deformation of the continents, from individual faults to mountain belts.

Professor Geoff Wadge of the University of Reading will meanwhile receive the Murchison Medal, awarded to geologists who have contributed significantly to ‘hard’ rock studies.   Professor Wadge is being recognised for his contributions to geology and remote sensing, including research into volcanology, Caribbean tectonics, and volcanic hazards and risk assessment. The awards will be presented by Geological Society President Professor David Manning at President’s Day on 3 June 2015.


Austin Elliott joins COMET from UC Davis

A warm welcome to Austin Elliott who has just arrived in Oxford to take up a postdoctoral position in remote sensing and field investigations of active faulting and past earthquakes with Dr Richard Walker & Prof Barry Parsons.  Austin is well known for his AGU blog Trembling Earth in which he covers the latest earthquakes. He was previously a PhD student at UC Davis in <a href="http://geology.ucdavis ou acheter viagra sans”>Earth & Planetary Sciences.